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comment the blog traffic increase


blog walking is an easy job that many bloggers do. many benefits from it own blog walking on our blog. other than to seek information and increase knowledge, blog walking can to increase of traffic your blog / website which later can increase google pagerank (PR). so you can boost the revenue with pay to join the program review.

but not the blog walkingnya which increase your blog traffic but leaving comments on blogs you visit. but most beginner bloggers blog forgetting a few tips that led to their comments do not generate traffic your blog / website. what they forget?

1. strengthen the title of your blog

Use your blog name on the title and enter your blog url and fill in a useful article in the comments, thanks for the article useful content, and go back to blogs of people who visit your blog.

2. promote your blog content

The best way to promote your blog content is to use the same name with the blog name or description of your blog. For example if your blog name using his own name, but the contents of the article is pretty good computer if you fill the name with the Experts blog traffic, google adsense review, or other words with a computer element. Messages are written of course about the recent articles that you post. You are trying to persuade them to visit your blog and read the latest postings.

3. Adding curiosity

This latest tips there may be multiple perception of a return visit your blog. But this way managed to create a new blog visitor counting! Here's how. Fill in the name with the unique words that make the blog owner and other people so curious. If you have a browser tab open dozens of blogs that are ready in the blog walking, use a different name for each blog you visit. Do not worry do not have any ideas to fill a column name, you can take inspiration from the name of the blog or articles posted them. For example, if you blogwalking tips-ricky.blogspot.com blog tips, google adsense master wrote only of posts Or see my article on leadership, for example, fill in name with the owner of the overflow traffic secrets. Find the words associated with the blogs that you visit. Then automatically psychologically, because it is considered a new visitor, by the kindness of the blog owner and brains curious people will click on your name and jump to your blog!

congratulations prove


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Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.