
Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.

traffic, from blogs dummy


one of the ways that can increase blog traffic is create a dummy blog. dummy blog is a blog which helps the performance of the main blog. for example: we have a blog A (main blog) and want to increase traffic to the blog of A, then we create a blog B (dummy blog). and on the blog B (dummy blog), there are links to blogs A. so that visitors who come to the blog B will travel to the blog A. And this is what is called a blog that helps improve traffic.

but create a dummy blog, not as easy as in the above described briefly. dummy blog should also be treated as your main blog. Going forward, I will give you tips how to make a dummy blog that will continuously bring traffic visitors to your main blog.

blog traffic from facebook


At this time, facebook is a web of friendship no.1 in the world. so let's try to increase blog traffic by adding a blog on facebook. it would be nice, make friends while promoting our blogs in the world. or in the Indonesian proverb says "while diving, drink water." this way actually managed to bring traffic to our blog. Our blog can be read by hundreds or even thousands of our friend, even that has not become your friends.

But a prerequisite is that you must establish good relations with your friends on facebook so that your blog will be easy to get a response.okay, no small talk anymore. I will provide a way to increase blog traffic feeds by entering your blog on facebook. and this is how:

how quickly indexed by search engines


how can you get traffic blog, if you manage a blog that has not been indexed by the search engine google, yahoo and Msn. propesional bloggers make this is a problem easily, but for beginner bloggers may have difficulty in getting the index search engine google, yahoo and msn. how would I describe below is the way that many will use bloggers pro.

following I will give you some tips to blog indexed by search engines. but should you need to register your blog to search engines, then apply the tips I give to you.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.


Please note: Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just a widget example.